"Wealth does not bring about excellence, but excellence makes wealth and everything else good for men, both individually and collectively." (Socrates)
DORAL Financial Advisors Sàrl is authorized as a portfolio manager within the meaning of the Financial Institutions Act (FinIA) and subject to prudential supervision by SO-FIT, Supervisory Organisation for Financial Intermediaries & Trustees (SO-FIT www.so-fit.ch). The company is also affiliated with the mediation organization (Swiss Arbitration www.swissarbitration.org). Our main principles are trust, independence, confidentiality and flexibility.
Our experience as well as our professional network permit us to offer tailor-made and personalised services to our clients. Each client’s account is managed through a discretionary mandate.
Our strength comes from our common values and our dedication to provide our client with the most efficient solutions.
"Action is the foundational key to all success" (Pablo Picasso)
Doral Financial Advisors Sàrl offers 5 different investment profiles according to the risk level chosen by the client (from more conservative to more dynamic). The investment decisions are made along with a deep risk analysis and take into consideration client’s performance’s objectives and needs.
We offer to our clients the possibility to act as intermediaries when buying or selling a property through an exclusive purchase or sale mandate. We work with strong partners in that area that give us the necessary knowledge to assist our clients converting their real estate projects in success. Best results can only be reached with dedicated and precise work.